5 Advantages of Owning a Sectional Couch

If you’re in the market for a new piece of living room furniture, sectional couches have many advantages over other alternatives. That’s why the Calgary Ashley Home Furniture Store experts from Furniture Extreme have collected some of the biggest benefits of sectional couches for you here!

1. Added Room Space

Since sectionals fit comfortably in the corner of your living room. This gives you much more space in the room to either move around or add additional pieces of furniture. Depending upon the layout of your living room, you can even split your sectional sofa into a chaise and a smaller sofa.

2. Versatility

Sectional couches can also be a very versatile addition to your Calgary home. You can of course always keep them in the traditional L shape. However, you can also get creative and shape your sectional into a semi-circle or another type of shape more well-suited to your home.

3. Enhanced Seating Arrangements

For those with smaller living rooms, adding a sectional can help you capitalize on all the space and maximize your seating arrangements. The extra chaise seat can help you accommodate as many people as possible.

4. Added Sleeping Options

Often, sectionals are big enough to be used as a spare bed in a pinch or when guests come over and decide to spend the night. Some are even equipped with sofa beds, making them a comfortable place to sleep as well as a great couch to have.

5. Improved Aesthetics

Having a sectional couch in your home can add a sleek and sophisticated look to your living room. They come in all different types of shapes and sizes and you can even get some with patterns that match your interior decorating scheme.

Contact us today for sectional couches in Calgary!

If you’re shopping for sectional couches in Calgary, visit the Furniture Extreme showroom today or contact us online. You can also call (587) 353-3369 to learn more about our Ashley Home Furniture Store in Calgary.